速報APP / 商業 / SEO Force

SEO Force



檔案大小:16.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


SEO Force(圖1)-速報App

SEO Force is a comprehensive website analysis system that is able to provide information,about websites, including page speed, PageRank, Alexa and DMoz rankings, social network statistics (number of shares, likes etc.), demographic visitor ratio, popular incoming search terms, domain and server details, color codes that are used the most, usage rates of important HTML tags and many more, for the user.

Analysis Features

Domain details (domain age, registration date, expiration date, registrar etc.)

Domain name server details

Index, image index and backlink counts of the website that was analyzed on Google, Bing and Yahoo!.

Google PageRank and Alexa Ranking values

Website screenshot

Color Analysis (the most frequently used colors on the website)

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Dmoz Information (Dmoz category, title, description)

Meta tags in use on the website

Speed of the website and the related information

Alexa graphs (Traffic, access, page view, page view/visitor, improvement, time spent, search)

The countries from which the website gets visitors the most and representing these countries on a world map

Information about the country-based rankings in Alexa

The most popular incoming search terms for the website that is analyzed

Showing whether the website supports HTML5 or not

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Graphical representation of HTML size information (HTML size, text ratio, code ratio)

Calculation and representation of the content/code ratio

Use counts of important HTML tags on the website

Link analysis (Number of total links, internal links, external links, nofollow links and title links and the representation of all these)

Server Details (Server IP address, ISP details, country details etc.)

Representation of the server’s location on a map

Social statistics (Facebook, pinterest etc.)

Other websites on the same IP address

SEO Force(圖4)-速報App

Other websites on the same Class C IP address

Other websites using the same Adsense publisher ID

Keyword densities (Graphical representation of the keywords that belong to the website that is analyzed about how frequently the keywords are in use on other websites)

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支援平台:iPhone, iPad